Resources for Young Doctors
WYDO provides young doctors with access to useful resources on a wide variety of topics, such as scientific writing, statistics, ethics, career development and scientific studies about the working environment of young doctors. All resources that are open source and freely available can be added to the collection by anyone in order to get a comprehensive collection tailored to the needs of young doctors. The collection will soon be available on our discussion platform.
Bilingual Journal Club in Centre Muraz, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso
This is a WYDO endorsed project.
Context and justification
Journal clubs emerged since the nineteenth century as educational settings in which groups of individuals keep up with current scientific literature in a specific discipline. Nowadays, in the field of healthcare, journal clubs offer healthcare professionals the opportunity to review research design, medical statistics, clinical decision theory, and clinical epidemiology. These journal clubs are powerful medical education tools. In Centre MURAZ biomedical research institute Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso), there is no established professional journal club for healthcare researchers. Above all, a bilingual journal club that combines professional development with language skills (English and French) is nonexistent in this part of Burkina Faso.
Project relevance and objective
This project aims to establish a bilingual journal club that will organize monthly discussions on recently published international peer-review journals among healthcare researchers at Centre Muraz in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Since January 2016, the journal club organizes monthly discussions on recently published international peer-review journals among healthcare researchers at Centre Muraz in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.
Monitoring and Outcome evaluation for the first year
1. Develop healthcare researchers’ critical thinking skills and make them feel more comfortable, confident, and ready to publish their research in international journals.
Indicator: At least five attendants have sent an article to be reviewed and/or published in an international peer-reviewed journal
2. Encourage networking among healthcare practitioners.
Indicator: At least 50 healthcare professionals participated
3. Be up to date with medical advancements throughout the world.
Indicator: At least 20 professional articles discussed
4. Promote and improve healthcare researchers’ English reading habits.
Indicator: At least 15 articles presented and discussed in English.